πŸ“… Road map Phases

  1. Foundation Building
  2. Front-end Development Mastery
  3. Back-end Development Mastery
  4. Dev Ops and Deployment
  5. Advanced Topics and Specializations
  6. Project-Based Learning and Portfolio Development
  7. Soft Skills and Professional Development
  8. Interview Preparation and Job Application

πŸ› οΈ Phase 1: Foundation Building

Duration: 2 Weeks

Objective: Establish a strong understanding of the core technologies and tools.

Learning (4 Hours Daily):

  1. HTML & CSS (1.5 Hours)
  2. JavaScript Basics (2.5 Hours)

Project Work (4 Hours Daily):

πŸ–₯️ Phase 2: Frontend Development Mastery

Duration: 8 Weeks

Objective: Gain advanced frontend skills, including modern frameworks and state management.

Learning (4 Hours Daily):

  1. Advanced JavaScript & ES6 (1 Hour)

  2. TypeScript (1 Hour)

  3. React.js (1 Hour)

  4. State Management (1 Hour)

Project Work (4 Hours Daily):

πŸ› οΈ Phase 3: Backend Development Mastery

Duration: 10 Weeks